Wish I Was Here is a mobile Application developed using Java through Processing 3.0. This project was a team project completed by myself and Laura Pigott. The focus behind this project was to develop a mobile application.
Wish I Was Here is a no pay holiday app that allows you to take pictures anywhere in the world... one tap at a time. Transport yourself from the depths of the deserts in Australia to the luxurious white sparkling water beaches of Hawaii. Explore the places you have only dreamed of. The world is your oyster, now don't be afraid to explore.
Wish I Was Here app requires internet and anything green to work, A green screen or even the grass works! The application removes the green and replaces it to show the user in a destination.
In this project there was consideration for User Experience and Interaction Design, User stories, Wireframing, Prototyping, and basic User Testing were outlined. Below are some screen shots of this process
Next we moved onto the development stages of this project, this contained two main areas, coding and design. I have the opportunity to do both. Here are some of the icons and graphics I designed along with my team member.